The adventures of Alex & RGB

Lehen Hezkuntza 1., 2., 3. eta 4. mailak
es eu en

RGB is a state of the art robot who loves travelling around the Universe. He can visit other worlds, pass through asteroid belts, escape from black holes and even reach far off galaxies, but he only knows one language, English. Follow him and Álex on their adventures through the Cosmos. Saioaren hizkuntza erreserba egiterakoan hauta dezakezu. 


NOTE: Althoug the robot RGB only knows English, Alex speaks in English but also in Spanish OR Basque. You have the choice of enjoying a bilingual session, Spanish+English OR Basque+English.


  • Acquire the basic vocabulary used in Astronomy.
  • Encourage an interest for this subject.
  • Encourage an interest for learning English.
  • Develop capabilities in oral comprehension.
  • Identify planets, stars and other celestial bodies.


  • The phases of the Moon.
  • The constellations: drawings in the sky.
  • The tides.
  • Street lighting in cities.
  • The effects of light pollution on animals.




The adventures of Alex & RGB

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