NBG3 2021eko otsailean:Ezin dira buztinik gabe adreiluak egin

Ontziratze-txartel honek gure taldearen izena Martera Perseverance roverraren txip batean eraman zela adierazten du.
Ontziratze-txartel honek gure taldearen izena Martera Perseverance roverraren txip batean eraman zela adierazten du.

Hilabete hau zientziari eskainitakoa izan zen, baina zientzia letra latriz, zelula txikienaz arduratzen dena hasten eta espazioa esploratzeaz arduratzen denari arte.

Agian jakingo duzu, baina hala ez bada, hemen gaude kontatzeko. Otsailaren 18an, Rover Perseverance Marten lurreratu zen, espazioan 6 hilabetez hegan egin ondoren. Gertaera horrek balio handia du zientziaren munduarentzat, lorpen horri esker planeta gorriari buruzko informazio eta datu asko lortuko baitira. Hori bultzada bat izan zen hainbeste kezkatzen gaituen erradiazioari buruzko informazio sakonagoa eta gure landareak arrisku horretatik babesteko moduak bilatzeko gogoz abiatzeko. Puntu honetan, gogora dezagun Perseverance-n, txip baten barruan, Lurreko milaka pertsonen izenak bidaiatzen zituztela, NASAren aplikazio baten bidez “Boarding Pass” berezia egin zutenak. Hain zuzen, Navarra-Biogalaxy2 taldeak bere tripulazio berezia sortzeko kanpaina egin zuen, eta Marten nafarren izen asko daude. Era berean, 2021ean, Perseverance ez ezik, beste bi misio ere lurreratu dira Marten: Al Amal (Arabiar Emirerriak) eta Zhurong (Txina). Beraz, esan dezakegu gure aRadiamars proiektua urte martetar batean garatzen dela.

Baina ezin duzu buztinik gabeko adreilurik egin. Ezer baino lehen, gure Primary PIk, Sarah-k, zuzendutako prestakuntza izan genuen, aurrera jarraitu ahal izateko kontrolatu behar genituen biologiaren kontzeptu guztietatik ondo lotzeko; genetika-oinarriak, biologia sintetikoa (funtsezkoa, horrelako lehiaketa batean parte hartuko baduzu), eta gure lana egiteko erabiliko genituen teknikak.

Sakon azter genezake oraintxe kontatu dugun guztia, baina hau ez da testu liburu bat, beraz laburtu egingo dugu: gure landare gogorrenak egiteko erabiliko genituen bi geneak azaltzen hasi ginen, eta ondoren, BioBrick batean (GEO-ak, edo genetikoki eraldatutako organismoak, sortzeko erabiltzen diren eraikuntzak) nola elkartuko genituen. Golden Braid izena ezagutzen duzue? Bestela, BioBrick bakar batean eraikin asko batzeko sistema estandarizatua da, eta eraikuntza horiek zientzia-komunitatean partekatzea ahalbidetzen du, munduko edozein tokitatik, gainera, Valentziako unibertsitatean garatu zen.

Biologiaren edukiarekin pilak jartzeaz gain, iGEMen web orrian sartu, urpean igeri egin, eta behar den guztiaren berri eman behar izan genuen, jakiteko zein zabala den, sponsor edo babesleak, lehiatzeko eskatzen dena, muga-datak, funtsean, bastidoreen artean dagoen guztia ikusi ahal izatea, baita webgunea oraindik oso inaktibo bazegoen ere, prest egon behar ginen!

Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.

Blog hau Navarra Biogalaxy3 taldeak idatzi du, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, y Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

Perseverance 2021

info+ Martera iritsi diren izenei buruz

February 2021: you can't make bricks without straw

This was a month dedicated entirely to science, from dealing with the smallest cell, to the science responsible for exploring space.

You may know, but if not, we are here to tell you. On February 18, the Rover Perseverance landed on Mars after 6 months of flight through space, an event of incalculable value for the world of science, because thanks to this achievement it will be possible to obtain a lot of information and data about the red planet. This was an impetus for us to launch ourselves eagerly to seek more in-depth information about the radiation that worries us so much, and ways to protect our plants from it. At this point, we remember that inside Perseverance, the names of thousands travelled from Earth to Mars, inside a chip, each obtaining their own “Boarding Pass” through a NASA application. In fact, the Navarra-Biogalaxy2 team campaigned to create its own particular crew, and there are many names of Navarrese who are on Mars right now. Likewise, in 2021, in addition to Perseverance, two more missions have landed on Mars: Al Amal (United Arab Emirates) and Zhurong (China). Therefore, we can say that our aRadiamars project takes place in a very Martian year.

But you can’t make bricks without straw, first of all we had our training led by our Primary PI, Sarah, to soak up all the biological concepts that we needed to control in order to continue, genetic bases, what synthetic biology consists of (essential if you are going to participate in a competition like this), and the techniques we were going to use to do our work.

We could go into depth to explain everything we talked about then, but this is not a textbook, so let's summarize it: starting with the two genes that we were going to use to make our plants more resistant, continuing on with how we would put them together in a BioBrick (the constructions that are used to create GMOs, or genetically modified organisms). Does the name Golden Braid sound familiar to you? If not, it is a standardized system which is able to join a large number of constructions in a single BioBrick, these can also be shared within the scientific community, from anywhere in the world, it was also developed at the University of Valencia.

Leire, Alex, Nerea, Sergio eta Ana lanean.


Not only did we have to work hard to understand the biology content, but we also had to dig in deep into the iGEM website and inform ourselves of everything necessary to understand how extensive it is, the sponsors, what is requested to be able to compete, deadlines, basically being able to understand everything that goes on behind the scenes, even if the web was still being built, you had to be prepared!

We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.

This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

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