NBG3 2021eko ekainean: Basean bueltan

Taldea Nahia Ezaren (Instruktorea) jarraibideei kasu eginez planetarioan lanean
Taldea Nahia Ezaren (Instruktorea) jarraibideei kasu eginez planetarioan lanean

Beno, beno, a ze hilabeteak! Denbora hori guztia laborategian egon ondoren, ekainean egin genuen guztia digeritu eta ondo finkatu behar genuen, baina ezin ginen erlaxatu, azken bulkada eman behar genion udako oporrak baino lehen.

Laborategian zer egin genuen oso argi genuela ziurtatzeko, ekainaren hasieran bi hitzaldi izan genituen Edurne eta Pacorekin, gure laborategiko gidak Sarah-z gain. Bera garai hartan joan zen, haurdunaldiaren azken etaparekin pixka bat lasaiago jarraitzeko. Hori dela eta, askoz ere modu hurbilagoan hasi ginen lanean Nahiarekin.

Lehenengo hitzaldia Pacorekin izan zen, GoldenBraid-en teknika xehetasunez azaldu ziguna, eta zergatik dituen hainbeste abantaila. Jakin-mina baduzue, otsaileko postean gehiago azalzen dugu. Horrez gain, biologia sintetikoaren kontzeptuak eta horren eta ingeniaritza genetikoaren arteko aldea ongi aztertzeko ere balio izan zigun.

Hurrengoa Edurnerekin izan zen, eta pigmentuetan eta erradiazioan arreta osoa jarri zuen, nola pigmentuek landareak babesten dituzten eta ze pausu jarraitu behar genituen lortutako datuak prozesatzeko emaitzak interpretau ahal izateko. Ia matematika-errepaso bat behar izan genuen hainbeste kalkulurekin ez galtzeko.

Eta izarretatik eta planetariotik kanpo hainbeste denbora igaro ondoren, gure oinarrira itzuli ginen bi astez lan egitera. Gainera, eskolak amaitu genituenez, arratsalde gehiago eman genitzakeen proiektuan. Laborategiko informazio guztia fresko genuela aprobetxatuz, wikiaren atal teknikoagoak egin genituen, hala nola gure plasmidoen diseinuak, erabilitako metodoak edo gure lana zertan datzan ondo deskribatzeko.

Aldi berean, Promotion Video-a grabatu genuen. Trailer moduko bat zen, gure proiektua ezagutarazten duena. Uztailaren 16an aurkeztu behar zen, gure oporren azken egunetan. Horregatik, garrantzitsua zen ahalik eta lotuen uztea.

Aurrerapen asko egin genituen arren, dena ez zen arrosa kolorekoa izan, eta gauza batzuk trabatu egin zitzaizkigun, eta orokorrean sakabanatuta geunden. Hilabete honetan ere komunikazio-bilera garrantzitsu bat izan genuen taldearentzat, eta, gainera, talde hispanoen online meetupean parte hartuko genuela iragarri ziguten. Abuztuaren 28an izango zen, gure behin betiko su-proba.

Indarberritzeko, taldearen oporrak programatutakoa baino lehentxeago hastea erabaki genuen, denok behar baikenuen atsedena.

Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.

Blog hau honako hauek idatzi dute: Navarra Biogalaxy3, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLLull eta Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.


Post Junio 2021: Back at the base!

Well, well, what a few months! After all that time in the lab, in June we had to digest everything we had done, and settle down, but we couldn't relax, we had to give one last push before our summer vacation.

To make sure we were very clear about what we had been doing, at the beginning of June we had two meetings with Edurne and Paco, our guides inside the laboratory in addition to Sarah, who left during these dates to be able to continue with her final stage of pregnancy, so from then on we began to work with Nahia much more closely.

The first talk was with Paco, who explained in detail the GoldenBraid technique, by whom it was developed, and why it has so many advantages. If you are curious about it we explain further in the February post. We also took the opportunity to review well the concepts of synthetic biology, and the difference between it and genetic engineering.

The next one was with Edurne, who focused fully on pigments and radiation, how these protect plants and how we had to process the data we had obtained in order to interpret the results.

And, after so much time away from the stars and the planetarium, we went back to our base to work for a couple more weeks. On top of that, since we had already finished classes, we could dedicate more time to the project. We took advantage of the fresh information of the laboratory to make the sections of the wiki more technical, such as the designs of our plasmids, the methods used or describe well what our work consisted of.

At the same time we were recording the Promotion Video, a kind of trailer in which we announced our project, and that had to be presented on July 16, coinciding with our last days of vacation, so it was important to try to leave it as completed as possible before these.

While we made quite a few advances, not everything was going great. This month we also had a very important communication meeting for the team, in which they also announced our participation in the online meetup of Hispanic teams, which would take place on August 28, our definitive litmus test.

In order to come back full of energy, we decided to start the team's holiday a little earlier than scheduled, as we all needed a break.

We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.

This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

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