NBG3 2020ko azaroan: Koordenadak sartzen

NBG3: apuntes / apunteak / notes
NBG3: apuntes / apunteak / notes

Aurkezpenen munduarekin lehen harremana izateko, azaroan izan genuen gure lehen lana. PI-k (Gure iGEM-eko arduradunak horrela deritze- esan ziguten proiektua osatzen duten hainbat alderdiri buruzko 5 aurkezpen desberdin aurkezteko prestatzea, eta aurkezpen horiek hurrengo saioetan partekatu genituen. Gainera, azaroaren amaieran sorpresa handia izan genuen.

Lehenengo aurkezpenean, informazio orokorrena landu genuen: nor garen, zer egin behar genuen eta zer helburu genituen biologia sintetikoko proiektu honetan.

Bigarrenean, Marteren gaia aztertu genuen, zergatik gure interesako da proiekturako.

Ana eta Karmele (Secondary PI) diseinuen zirriborroei buruz hitz egiten, Leirren begiradapean.

Hirugarren aurkezpenak azalduko luke gizarte proiektua, hau da, lan horrek guztiak gizartean duen eragina, egungo legeek eta etikak gaur egun zientziaren garapenean duten eragina, eta, horrez gain, gure proiektuaren erabilera praktikoa bilatuko luke Lurran.

Laugarrenak “Human Practices” izena zuen, iGEMek taldeek egin dezaten bultzatzen duen ekimena, eta, azken batean, inguruko jendearengana iristeko eta gure lanarekiko interesa pizteko modurik onena aurkitzeko ekintzak diseinatu nahi dira.

Azkenik, Giant Jamboree-ri buruzko aurkezpena egin genuen, iGEMeko ekitaldi handienari buruzkoa. Talde guztien proiektua aurkezten dira, eta haien artean informazioa partekatzen da. Powerpoint honetan (aurkezpenen formatua), azken Jamboree-a laburtzen dugu, kategoria irabazleak ikusten eta ikasten, eta COVID-19 delakoaren ondorioz nola antolatu zen erakusten.

Hilabete honetan, aurkezpenez gain, Espainian astrobiologiaren esparruan garrantzitsuenetakoa den Juan Ángel Vaquerizo ikertzailearekin ere hitz egin genuen.

Hori da lehen aipatu dugun sorpresa, hainbat gairi buruz berarekin hitz egiteko zortea izan genuelako. Juan Angelek CAB zentroari (Astrobiologia Zentroa) buruz hitz egin zigun. NASAri lotutako zentroa da, eta han egiten du lan. Proiektuari buruz ditugun lehen ideiez ere hitz egiten dugu harekin.

Lehenengo koordenatuak sartu ondoren, lanean hasteko garaia da!

Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.

Blog hau Navarra Biogalaxy3 taldeak idatzi du, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, y Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

November 2020: Introducing coordinates

As a first contact with the world of presentations, in November we had our first job. The PI's –this is what our managers at iGEM are called– told us to prepare 5 different presentations about different aspects that comprise the project, presentations that we shared in the following sessions. Also, at the end of November we received a big surprise.

In the first presentation we discussed general information, such as who we are, what we were going to do and what our objectives were in this project.

In the second we addressed the subject of Mars, explaining different points of interest on the planet regarding our project and why it is in our focus.

The third presentation would explain the social project, that is, the social effect that all this work has, and how current laws and ethics affect the development of science today, in addition to seeking a practical use of our project on planet Earth.

The fourth was titled "Human Practices", an initiative that iGEM invites teams to carry out, and that ultimately is about designing actions to find the best way to reach the people around us and awaken their interest in our work.

Finally, we made a presentation on the Giant Jamboree, the largest iGEM event, which lasts several days in which all the projects of the teams are presented and information is shared among them. In this powerpoint (presentation format) we summarized the last Jamboree, seeing and learning from the winners of the main categories and visualizing how it was organized because of COVID-19.

During this month we not only dedicated ourselves to presentations, but we also had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with one of the most important researchers in Spain in the field of astrobiology: Juan Ángel Vaquerizo.

This is the surprise we mentioned before, since we were lucky enough to talk to him about different topics. Juan Ángel told us about the CAB (Center for Astrobiology), a center associated with NASA! Where he works and what his work is there. We also talked to him about our first ideas about the project.

Once the first coordinates have been entered, it's time to get to work!


We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.

This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

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