NBG3 2020ko abenduan: Lehenengo frogak

Nafarroa-Biogalaxy3 Iruñeko Planetarioko trebakuntza saioan
Nafarroa-Biogalaxy3 Iruñeko Planetarioko trebakuntza saioan

Abendua hilabete bizia izan zen, eta neguko hotzak ere ez zuen lortzen minutu batez gelditzerik; aurkezpenen edukia amaitu, iturriak berrikusi eta dena bere lekuan zegoela errepasatu behar genuen.

Azkenean, abenduaren 18an, planetarioan iritsi ginen sentsazio ezagun bihurtu diren nerbio horiekin, eszenatokira igo aurrekoak. Sarah eta Karmeleri aurkeztu genien azken asteetan landu genuen guztia. Guztiok urduri geunden arren, beldurrik gabe eta erraz egiten saiatu ginen. Aurkezpen guztiak egin eta pisu hori gainetik kendu ondoren, beste areto batera joan ginen tentsioak askatzera, Sarah eta Karmele aurkezpenei buruz hitz egiten ari ziren bitartean pribatuan. Lehenengo akatsa eta larriena izan zen ezin izan genuela eskatutako denbora bete, aurkezpen bakoitzeko hogei minutu, iGEMen aurkezpenetan eskatzen den bezala. Arrazoietako bat izan zen, talde gisa egiten dugun horrelako lehen lana izanik, akatsak izan genituela koordinatzeko orduan, eta are garrantzitsuagoa, denok batera ez prestatzea aurkezpen ofiziala baino lehen.

Ez da oso atsegina non huts egiten ari zaren beste norbaitek esatea, baina beste ikuspuntu batetik begiratzen badugu, abenduan jakin genezake zertan hobetu behar genuen; beraz, hurrengo aldian hobeto egiteko prestatzen jarraituko dugu. Baliteke lehen perfektuki ez gainditzea, baina nola lan egin jakiteko balio izan ziguten.

Lehen hiru hilabete horien ondoren, iritsi zen gure lehen oporretarako unea, baina hau iGEM da, eta ez dago atsedenik! Proiekturako logoak pentsatzen hasi ginen. Baina Eguberrietako opari batekin ere itzuli ginen etxera. Aspaldiz itsaroten genuena, gure laborategiko mantalak!

Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.

Blog hau Navarra Biogalaxy3 taldeak idatzi du, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, y Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

December 2020: First tests

December was an intense month, in which not even the cold of winter made us stop for a minute. We had to finish the content of the presentations, check the sources and check that everything was in place correctly.

Finally, on December 18, we arrived at the planetarium with those nerves that have ended up becoming such a well-known sensation, the one before going on stage. We introduced Sarah and Karmele to everything we had been working on the last few weeks. Although we were all quite nervous, we tried to do it without fear and in a fairly fluid way. After doing all the introductions and taking that weight off our shoulders, we went to a different room to finish releasing tensions while Sarah and Karmele discussed the presentations in private. After the wait, they came back to give us the corrections and their impressions. The first and most serious failure was that we did not meet the required time, twenty minutes per presentation, as required in iGEM. One of the reasons for this was that, being the first work we had done like this as a team, we had failures when coordinating ourselves, and more importantly, not preparing together beforehand.

It is not very pleasant to be told where you are failing, but if we look at it from another point of view, by December we would already know what issues we had to improve on, so we focused on continuing to practice in order to be able to do better next time. We may not have passed the first tests perfectly, but they did help us to show us how we should work.

After those first three months, it was time for our first holiday, but this is iGEM, and there is no rest! Wewere left with the task of thinking of possible logos for the project. But we also came home with a long-awaited Christmas present, our lab coats!

We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.

This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

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