NBG3 2021eko uztailean: Ibilibidea birkakulatzen

NBG3 2021eko uztailean: Ibilibidea birkakulatzen

Uztaila eta abuztuaren hasierak erronka handia izan ziren taldearentzat eta proiektuarentzat; izan ere, oporretatik itzultzean guztion artean berdintasunezko lan-erritmoa berreskuratzea uste baino gehiago kostatu zitzaigun. Gainera, aparteko presioa genuen, une hartan behar dugun oniritza iGEM lehiaketaren azken galan parte hartzeko ez genuelako. Proiektuak baldintza guztiak betetzen zituen jakiteko proba abuztuan egingo zen, Meetup Iberoamerikarrean.

Gainera, konturatu ginen elkarrekin hainbeste denbora eman arren, une batzuetan gure artean konfiantza izatea eta talde gisa bezala komunikatzea kosta egiten zitzaigula. Hori hobetzen saiatzeko, lehen lan-astean Yamaguchiko parkean bazkaltzen egon ginen denok batera Nahia eta Karmelekin. Une hori aprobetxatu genuen proiektuaz bakarrik ez diren beste gauza batzuez hitz egiteko, eta, hala, barne-komunikazioa indartzeko.

Lanari dagokionez, alde batera utzi genituen wikiarekin egin genituen aurrerapenak, eta poster eta aurkezpenaren lehen bertsioak prestatzen hasi ginen, uztailaren 30ean lehen aurkezpen-saiakera bat egin ahal izateko. Horrek erakutsi zigun birkokatu zenbat behar genuen, eta agerian utzi zituen oraindik hobetzen ari ginen barne-komunikazioko akats horiek.

Proiektuaren bihotzetik urrunduegiak geuden, eta orbitatik ateratzeko arriskuan geunden, inspiratu gintuen kontzeptuak eta gure benetako helburua zein ziren nahasten genituen, eta helburu hori gure lanari eman geniezazkiokeen beste aplikazioekin ere.

Laburbilduz, ibilbidea birkalkulatu, gure ideiak argitu, guztion artean sintonizatzeko nola egin genezakeen pentsatu behar genuen, lana aurrera atera zedin, eta oso garrantzitsua, nor garen eta gure taldeari berezia zerk egiten dion konturaraztea, aurkezpenean, posterrean eta gainerako lehiakideen artean identifikatuko gintuzten gauzak bilatzea ezinbestekoa zen. Hilabete gogorra izan zen, ikasteaz eta hobekuntzaz betea, abuztuan bezala.

Irakurri abuztuko post hau eta ikusi taldearen aurrerapen berriak :-)

Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.

Blog hau honako hauek idatzi dute: Navarra Biogalaxy3, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLLull eta Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

Post Julio 2021: Changing route

July and the beginning of August were a challenge for the team and for the project, since getting back to our normal working rhythm after holidays, took us a lot more effort than expected, in addition, we had extra pressure, in those days we found ourselves without the approval we need to be able to participate in the Giant Jamboree, the final gala of the iGEM competition. The litmus test to see if the project met all the conditions would be held in August, at the Ibero-American Meetup

We also realized that, despite having been working together for so long, there really were times when we had a hard time trusting each other and communicating as a team. To try to improve this, the first week of work we stayed to eat at the Yamaguchi park, with Nahia and Karmele, we took advantage of the situation to talk about other things that were not exclusively the project, and thus reinforce internal communication.

Regarding work, we put aside the progress we had made with the wiki, and we focused on starting to prepare the first versions of the poster and the presentation, to be able to make a first presentation attempt on July 30, which showed us how much we needed to work, and that it again exposed those internal communication failures that we were still in the process of improving.

We had gotten too far from the heart of the project, and we were at risk of going out of orbit. We were struggling to find out what really inspired us and what our objective really was, and in addition to the applications we were giving our project.

In short, we needed to recalculate route, clarify our ideas, think about how we could do to tune in with each other so that the work went ahead, and very importantly, become aware of who we are and what makes our team special, look for those things that would identify us in the presentation, on the poster, and among the rest of the contestants. It was a tough month full of learning and improvement, just like August.

Read the August post and discover the new advances of the team :-)

We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.

This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.

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