Uztaileko postean irakurriko zenuen bezala, proiektua ez zen uste bezala ari, ezta guk nahi genuen bezala... Gaizki-ulertuak, eztabaidak, komunikazio-akatsak eta taldekideen lan-jarrera eskasa.
Baina hau… Ez gintuen hondoratu! Inflexio- eta aldaketa-puntua izan zen ordez. Karmele eta Nahiak gogorarazi ziguten zergatik gauden hemen eta bidea birbideratzen lagundu ziguten. Abuztuaren hasieratik hobeto antolatu ginen, eta pil-pilean jarri ginen aurkezpenarekin eta posterrarekin. Astero bilera bat izaten genuen, eta laborategiko aholkulariei, Karmeli eta Nahiari gure aurrerapenen berri ematen genien.
Dena hain ondo eta polita ez dizuegu erakutsiko, ez baitzen hala izan, eta horrek eguneroko lana eta konpromisoa ekarri zigun. Posterraren eta aurkezpenaren bertsio bat baino gehiago egin behar izan genituen, horietako bakoitza aurrekoa baino hobea baitzen, aurrekoan falta zitzaiona edo hobetu beharrekoa gehitzen zitzaiolako. Hobekuntzen kontrol eta jarraipen hori proiektuko mentore guztiekin egin zen (Karmele, Nahia, Paco eta Edurne, eta planetarioko zuzendari Javier Armentia ere bertan izan zen).
Baina, posterra? Aurkezpen bat? Zertarako galdetuko diozue? Baina Giant Jamboree bi hilabete barru bada… bada, meetup iberoamerikar batera gonbidatu gintuzten, eta parte hartu ahal izateko, aurkezpen telematiko bat eta poster bat prestatu behar gure proiektuari buruz hitz egiteko.
Abuztuaren 28an, meetupa egin zen egunean, animoak berotzen joateko, talde osoak jatetxe batera joan ginen, Nahia eta Karmele barne, eta planetarioko lorategietan siesta txiki bat egin ondoren, gure set-up-era joan ginen, eta aho zapore zoragarri batekin utzi zigun esperientzia bat izan genuen, guztiok. Lehen aldiz, aurrez aurre edo hobe esanda pantailaz paintailera hitz egin genuen beste talde batzuekin, feedbacka jasotzeko eta alderantziz, proiektu eta gertaera bakoitzean gehiago sakondu nahi baduzue, hemen uzten dizuegun linnkan informazio gehiago aurkituko duzue ekitaldiari buruz.
Bidaia honetan gogotsu jarraitzea espero dugu, eta gu bezain ondo pasatzea.
Blog hau honako hauek idatzi dute: Navarra Biogalaxy3, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLLull eta Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.
Post Agosto 2021: Punto de inflexión
As you may have read in the July post, the project was not going as expected, nor was it going as we wanted it to go ... Misunderstandings, discussions, communication failures and a poor work ethic from the team members were dragging us down.
But this ... It didn't sink us! It was a turning point and a change for everyone. Karmele and Nahia reminded us why we are here and helped us turn things around. Since the beginning of August we have organized ourselves better and we got on with the presentation and the poster. Every week we had a meeting where we shared our progress with the laboratory mentors, Karmele and Nahia.
Nor are we going to make out everything as perfect, because it was not like that and this meant daily work and commitment. We had to make several versions of the poster and presentation, each new one was better than the previous one, since we added what was missing in the previous or what had to improve. This control and monitoring of improvements was made with all the project mentors (Karmele, Nahia, Paco and Edurne, and we also had the presence of Javier Armentia, director of the planetarium).
But a poster? A presentation? The Giant Jamboree was still two months away ... The real reason for all this was the invitation to an Ibero-American meetup and in order to participate we had to prepare a presentation that we did online and a poster where we talked about our project.
August 28 was the day the meetup was held, to warm up the spirits, we had a meal with the whole team together, including Nahia and Karmele, and after a little nap in the planetarium’s gardens, we went to our set-up, and we had an experience that left us all with a wonderful feeling, in which we were able to speak for the first time face to face, or screen to screen rather, with other teams, receive their feedback and vice versa, if you want to dig in a little deeper more into each project and the event, in the link we have left below you can find more information.
We hope that you will follow us on this journey with enthusiasm, and that you enjoy doing it as much as we do.
This blog is written by the Navarra Biogalaxy3 team, Alex Allwood Obanos, Sergio Bonilla López, Nerea Cemborain Mesón, Ana Landíbar Manso, Victor López Valero, Leyre Ortiz LLull, and Andrea Urdánoz Martínez.