NavarraBG: Planetarioko areto berria inauguratu dugu

NavarraBG: Planetarioko areto berria inauguratu dugu

Iruñako Planetarioa obratan egon da azken hilabetetan hainbat eremu berritzeko, lur azpiko aretoa haien artean, tailer desberdinak egiten zen lekua. Larunbat honetan jendea bertan sar zitekeen, aretoa ikusteko eta planetarioan egin ahalko diren jarduera desberdinei buruz informatzeko. Guk aukera hau aprobetxatu dugu han egoteko, eta etortzen zirenei gure proiektua azaltzeko.


Gainera, ustekabeko bisita bat izan dugu, Iñaki Ordóñez zientzialariarena, espazioan eta Marten espezializatua dagoena, eta uda bukaeran goiz oso bat pasa genuen berarekin, Marteri buruz gehiago jakiteko. Kasu honetan, Bostoneko bidaian zorte asko opa digu, aste honetan iGEM txapelketara, biologia sintetikoko lehiaketa internazionalera joango garelako, MIT-an ospatzen dena. Bestalde, Marteko grabitatea simulatzeko teknika bat erakutsi zigun, Lur planetarena baino 2,6 aldiz ahulagoa delako.


Arratsaldean zehar planetarioan egon gara ere, proiektuaren azken xehetasunak egiteko. Bostonen egingo dugun aurkezpena agertoki batean entseatu, MIT-an egingo diren jarduera desberdinei buruz informatu eta azken zalantzak argitu ditugu.


Hau Estatu Batuetara iritsi baino lehen elkarrekin egongo garen azken eguna izan da, eta han itxaroten gaituena ikusteko irrikitan gaude. Blog honen bidez eta gure sare sozialen bidez informatuko zaituztegu. Mila esker zuen laguntzagatik!

NavarraBG: We inaugurate the new room of the Planetarium 

Pamplona’s Planetarium has been under construction in recent months to renovate several rooms, including the underground room in which several workshops took place. 
This Saturday there has been an open day in which the public has been able to enter to see the room and learn about future activities organized by the planetarium. Besides, we haven't missed the opportunity to be there and socialize our project with the audience that was arriving.
We also had an unexpected visit from scientist Iñaki Ordóñez, space and Mars specialist, with whom we had already been one whole morning this summer. He wished us good luck on our trip to Boston since it is taking place this week. We are finally going to present our project at MIT in the international synthetic biology competition iGEM. Also, he taught us a technique to simulate Martian gravity, which is 2.6 times lower than that of Earth.
During the afternoon we were also in the planetarium, but this time to finish with the last details of the project, such as rehearsing the final presentation on stage, informing us about the different activities that will take place in Boston and solving the last doubts.
This was the last day we had before going to the United States, we are waiting to see what awaits us there. We will inform you through this blog and social networks. Thank you very much for all your support!

Blog honen idazleak NavarraBG-ko neska-mutilak dira: Julen Casulleras Álava, Arantza Arrizurieta Barreto, Saioa Ganuza Garcia de Albeniz, David Ferrer Ferrández, Julen Herrero Álvarez, Amaia García López, Maite Losarcos Santamaria y Aitor Perez Ciriza. Jarrai iezaguzu twitter eta instagram sare sozialetan! @NavarraBG_STEM @igem_biogalaxy

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