Beyond the sun. In search of a new Earth

Lehen Hezkuntza 3., 4., 5. eta 6. mailak
es en

While Celeste is fighting off sleep in her room by reading a book on astronomy she receives an unexpected visit from MOON. Together, they will enjoy a journey through the Universe to discover what exoplanets are and how they can be detected. They observe rogue planets, oceanic worlds and super-Earths. Moon tells her about exoplanet hunters, who observe the sky in search of planets like Earth. Many adventures are yet to come. But first she needs some rest. Celeste drops off to sleep waiting for the next visit of Moon.


  • Know about the existence of planets orbiting other stars or exoplanets.
  • Visualise how exoplanets can be detected from Earth.
  • Recognise the different types of exoplanets.
  • Understand the importance of dreaming.
  • To marvel at the incredible things that are in our Universe.


  • Stars and planets.
  • The habitable zone around a star.
  • The planets found orbiting other stars.
  • The effects of planets in the light of stars.


Didactic guide



Beyond the sun. In search of a new Earth

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